Cart Events

The Element SDK provides topic names for standard cart events. Blocks can subscribe to these topics and publish to them using PubSubJS.

Table of Contents

Event Definitions, available within block component definitions, is defined as follows:

addToCart: "cart.addToCart",
itemAddedToCart: "cart.itemAddedToCart",
itemRemovedFromCart: "cart.itemRemovedFromCart",
openAccountPanel: "cart.openAccountPanel",
openCart: "cart.openCart",
updateCartCount: "cart.updateCartCount",

Subscriptions using these topics should be referenced as properties of, not as strings, because these topic names are provided by Element SDK and could change. By using the property values from, you are guaranteed to have a valid topic name. Using the string is not as safe.

For example, use, not "cart.addToCart".



The cart subscribes this event, and you can publish it from your own blocks to add items to the cart.

'addToCart' Usage

When publishing an addToCart event, you must provide an object as the second argument of the publish function with the following properties:

props.utils.pubSub.publish(, {
productId, // type: string, from product data
quantity, // type: int, whatever quantity you want to add to the cart, ex: 1
variantId, // type: string, from product data
itemPrice, // type: float, from product data, ex: 4.99


The cart publishes this event after the shopper adds an item to the cart. Your blocks can subscribe to it to see information about the item that the shopper added.

'itemAddedToCart' Usage

// subscribe to the event
// define a handler function to receive the data
handleItemAdded = (msg, data) => {
// use msg and data here

The data provided by itemAddedToCart has the following shape:

id, // string, the id of the product
images, // array of objects, containing image data for the product
name, // string, the product name
price, // float, the product price, ex: 4.99
quantity // int, the quantity of items added to the cart in the triggering action


The cart publishes this event after the shopper removes an item from the cart. Your blocks can subscribe to it to see information about the item that the shopper removed.

'itemRemovedFromCart' Usage

// subscribe to the event
// define a handler function to receive the data
handleItemRemoved = (msg, data) => {
// use msg and data here

The data provided by itemRemovedFromCart has the following shape:

id, // string, the id of the product
images, // array of objects, containing image data for the product
name, // string, the product name
price, // float, the product price, ex: 4.99
quantity // int, the quantity of items removed from the cart in the triggering action


The cart block subscribes to this event, and your blocks can publish the event to open the account panel.

'openAccountPanel' Usage

No data is necessary when publishing this event.



The cart block subscribes to this event, and your blocks can publish the event to open the cart panel.

'openCart' Usage

No data is necessary when publishing this event.



The cart publishes this event after the shopper updates the count of total items in the cart. Your blocks can subscribe to it to see the new quantity of items in the cart.

'updateCartCount' Usage

// subscribe to the event
// define a handler function to receive the data
handleUpdatedCartCount = (msg, count) => {
// use msg and count here, count is an int

Additional Reading

For more details on PubSubJS, see the PubSubJS npm reference.

For more information about how to communicate between blocks using PubSubJS, see "Communicate Between Blocks."