Add Element Proptypes

In this how-to guide, we will add new Element Proptypes to an existing Element Block React Component and organize them using an Element Proptype sectionHeader.

1. Find the Current Block Configs

Open up your block's code and find /src/configs.js. It will look something like this:

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
export const defaultConfig = {
text: 'Element Starter Block',

2. Add a New Element Proptype

Add another proptype to the schema. You will need to provide a label property and a type. For this example, we'll add a textColor prop with a PropType of color, but look at the "Proptypes" reference for other available types.

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
textColor: {
label: 'Text color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,

3. Add a New Default Value

When you add a new Element Proptype to a schema in config.js, you need to give it a default value:

export const defaultConfig = {
text: 'Element Starter Block',
textColor: 'rgba(130,104,252,.8)',

4. Use the New Prop in the Block

We can now use that new proptype in the block. Open /src/Block.js and add a style attribute to the <h1> tag assigning our new textColor prop to the color.

<h1 style="{{color:" props.textColor}}></h1>

5. Add Another Related Element Proptype

Return to /src/configs.js and add another prop: backgroundColor.

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
textColor: {
label: 'Text color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,
backgroundColor: {
label: 'Background color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,

6. Organize Proptypes with a Section Header

Group the colors together under an ElementPropTypes.sectionHeader:

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
colorsHeader: {
type: ElementPropTypes.sectionHeader,
textColor: {
label: 'Text color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,
backgroundColor: {
label: 'Background color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,

7. Update Config Schema Usage

Update the default configs to include the new props:

export const defaultConfig = {
text: 'Element Starter Block',
colorsHeader: 'Colors',
textColor: 'rgba(130,104,252,.8)',
backgroundColor: 'yellow', // merchant changes are stored in RBGA

Go back into /src/Block.js and update the style of the <h1> to use our new property:

<h1 style={{color: props.textColor, background: props.backgroundColor}}>

8. View Your Config in Site Designer

Build and update your block:

npm run build
element update

Add your block to a theme, or reload your theme with the block, and you'll see the new props and default values grouped under the "Colors" sectionHeader:

New Proptypes Section Header in Site Designer