
Table of Contents



Boolean: true

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourBoolPropName: {
label: 'Boolean',
type: ElementPropTypes.bool,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourBoolPropName: true,



import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourCategoryPropName: {
label: 'Category',
type: ElementPropTypes.category,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourCategoryPropName: '',

In the block, props.yourCategoryPropName will be the ID of the category selected by the merchant.


Color: purple

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourColorPropName: {
label: 'Color',
type: ElementPropTypes.color,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourColorPropName: 'purple', // all CSS color formats accepted

Merchant edits to color fields are stored in RGBA format.


Date Picker

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourDatePropName: {
label: 'Date',
export const defaultConfig = {
yourDatePropName: new Date().toISOString();

The above example is the recommended method for setting the default date as it will use the date the block is added to page. This proptype will return the date as an ISO string, so be sure your local environment and test prop is also an ISO string.


DateRange Picker

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourDateRangePropName: {
label: 'Date Range',
type: ElementPropTypes.dateRange,
const today = new Date().toISOString()
let nextWeek = new Date()
nextWeek.setDate(nextWeek.getDate() + 7)
nextWeek = nextWeek.toISOString()
export const defaultConfig = {
yourDateRangePropName: [
today, // start date
nextWeek, // end date

The above example is the recommended method for setting default dates as it will use the date the block is added to the page as the starting point. This proptype will return the dates as an ISO string, so be sure your local environment and test props are also ISO strings.


Editor Full

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourEditorFullPropName: {
label: 'Editor Full',
type: ElementPropTypes.editorFull,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourEditorFullPropName: `<h1>Full WYSIWYG</h1>`, // all CSS color formats accepted

Editor Full


Editor Minimal

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourEditorMinimalPropName: {
label: 'Editor Minimal',
type: ElementPropTypes.editorMinimal,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourEditorMinimalPropName: `<h1>Minimal text editor</h1>`, // all CSS color formats accepted

Editor Minimal



import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourEmbeddablePropName: {
label: 'Embeddable Iframe',
type: ElementPropTypes.embeddable({
embedType: ElementPropTypes.string,
url: ElementPropTypes.string,
height: ElementPropTypes.number,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourEmbeddablePropName: {
embedType: 'iframe', // the only supported value
url: '',
height: 150,


Image without specific default values

Image: empty default

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourImagePropName: {
label: 'Image',
type: ElementPropTypes.image,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourImagePropName: ElementPropTypes.image.default,

Image with specific default values

Image: Default URL

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourImagePropName: {
label: 'Image With Default',
type: ElementPropTypes.image,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourImagePropName: {
uriBase: '',
imagePath: 'element-block-assets/slideshow/slide2.jpg',
altText: 'Monument Valley',
width: 1600,
height: 500,
Image picker modal

Image Picker


Icon Picker

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourIconPropName: {
label: 'Pick an Icon',
tooltip: 'This is the Icon Picker',
type: ElementPropTypes.icon,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourIconPropName: {
iconName: '',
iconPrefix: '',
defaultFilter: 'social',

The defaultFilter is the string that will pre-populate the filter/search field in the icon picker. Use it to guide the store owner towards a particular set of icons.


Number: 42

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourNumberPropName: {
label: 'Number',
type: ElementPropTypes.number,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourNumberPropName: 42,



import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourOneOfPropName: {
label: 'One Of',
type: ElementPropTypes.oneOf(['Photos', 'News']),
export const defaultConfig = {
yourOneOfPropName: 'News',



import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourProductPropName: {
label: 'Product',
type: ElementPropTypes.product,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourProductPropName: '',

In the block, props.yourProductPropName will be the ID of the product selected by the merchant.


Slider: options

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourSliderPropName: {
label: 'Slider',
type: ElementPropTypes.slider,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourSliderPropName: {
labelPrefix: '~',
labelStepSize: 10,
labelSuffix: ' oz',
min: 50, // required
max: 100, // required
stepSize: 5,
selectedValue: 75, // required
vertical: false,

Make sure to reference props.yourSliderPropName.selectedValue in your block code.


String: Default string

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourStringPropName: {
label: 'String',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourStringPropName: 'Default string',

Meta / Organization

arrayOf shape

arrayOf Shape

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourArrayOfPropName: {
label: 'Array of Shapes',
type: ElementPropTypes.arrayOf(
yourTextPropName: {
label: 'Text',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
yourLinkPropName: {
label: 'Link',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
// unpopulated example
export const defaultConfig = {
yourArrayOfPropName: [],
// pre-populated example
export const defaultConfig = {
yourArrayOfPropName: [
yourTextPropName: 'Link',
yourLinkPropName: 'https://',


The isPrivate property set to true hides a field from merchants. Agency accounts will still be able to see it.

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourStringPropName: {
label: 'String',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
isPrivate: true, // <= isPrivate



import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourReadOnlyPropName: {
label: '',
type: ElementPropTypes.readOnly,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourReadOnlyPropName: 'Read only text.', // use for instructions, help text


Section Header

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
yourSectionHeaderPropName: {
label: '',
type: ElementPropTypes.sectionHeader,
export const defaultConfig = {
yourSectionHeaderPropName: 'Section Header',


Further Reading