Working With Element Proptypes Tutorial

In this 15 minute tutorial, you will learn how to create a block with configurable light and dark modes.



Create a New Block

Create a new block named Solarized. If you haven't used Element before, see "Environment Setup."

element new Solarized

Locate the Block Configuration and Schema

Open up your block's code and find /src/configs.js. In that file, you'll see configSchema—this is where you tell Site Designer what configuration fields are available for your block. Store admins will be able to edit the settings of your block using those fields. By default, configSchema looks like this:

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,

Add a New Element Proptype

In configSchema object, we will add the property isDarkModeEnabled, which is how we'll reference it from the block's component code. We'll give it the label "Enable Dark Mode," which appears above the field in the Site Designer's edit panel. For the type, make it an ElementPropTypes.bool, which represents a boolean field. Your configSchema should now look like this:

import { ElementPropTypes } from '@volusion/element-proptypes'
export const configSchema = {
text: {
label: 'Text content',
type: ElementPropTypes.string,
isDarkModeEnabled: {
label: 'Enable Dark Mode',
type: ElementPropTypes.bool,

When you add a new Element Proptype to a schema, you need to give it a default value in config.js. Do this by adding default values to the defaultConfig object:

export const defaultConfig = {
text: 'Element Starter Block',
isDarkModeEnabled: true,

Set up the "Dark" And "Light" Styles

In this step, we define the colors for the light and dark modes. Open up /src/getStyles.js and update the code to look like this:

export const getStyles = blockProps => {
return {
dark: {
color: 'rgb(50,161,152)',
background: 'rgb(10,54,66)',
light: {
color: 'rgb(201,76,34)',
background: 'rgb(253,246,228)',

Use the New Proptype in the Block

Open /src/Block.js—we'll now edit it so that it uses the new isDarkModeEnabled prop. Any Element Proptypes that you add to the config schema will be available in the props passed to the block's component.

Locate the place where the block returns some JSX:


Update the code above to this:

// import the aphrodite utils
import { css, StyleSheet } from 'ahrodite'
import { getStyles } from './getSyles'
// create your dynaimc classes
const classes = StyleSheet.create(getStyles(props))
// add logic to determine which class to apply
const modeClass = isDarkModeEnabled ? css(classes.dark) : css(classes.light)
return <h1 className={modeClass}>{text}</h1>

Now we'll preview our work locally.

Run the Block Locally

Make sure that you have all your dependencies loaded, then start up the block in watch mode. Run these from terminal in your block's directory:

npm install
npm start

This will launch a browser window, where you'll get a preview of the block that will update as you make changes.

Dark Mode

Add a New Config Section

Let's create a section in the Site Designer for configuring the Dark Mode fields. To do this, we'll first add the configurable fields to our schema and then add a sectionHeader for Dark Mode. Back in config.js, inside configSchema, add this new sectionHeader and the two number fields below isDarkModeEnabled.

isDarkModeEnabled: {
label: 'Enable Dark Mode',
type: ElementPropTypes.bool
darkModeHeader: {
type: ElementPropTypes.sectionHeader
darkStart: {
label: 'dark start (evening)',
type: ElementPropTypes.number
darkEnd: {
label: 'dark end (morning)',
type: ElementPropTypes.number

Update defaultConfig to include the text of our header and the default values of our two new fields.

isDarkModeEnabled: true,
darkModeHeader: 'Dark Mode Hours',
darkStart: 8,
darkEnd: 6

Save your work.

Use 'darkStart' and 'darkEnd' in the Block

We're going to update the block component so that it compares the current time to our new darkStart and darkEnd to decide what styles to use. If the current time is after darkStart and before darkEnd, we'll enable dark mode.

In Block.js, find the code that's reading the props:

// read our new prop, and what we'll need to get our styles
const { isDarkModeEnabled, text } = props

Update it so that it's getting the new darkStart and darkEnd properties:

const { isDarkModeEnabled, darkEnd, darkStart, text } = props

Next, add the code that determines if we are in light or dark mode. The full, commented code is:

// get the current hour
const now = new Date().getHours()
// if somebody entered a dark start value less than 12, assume they are using a 12 hour clock and convert it to 24 hour time.
const pmStart = darkStart < 12 ? darkStart + 12 : start
// is it darktime in the user's time zone?
const isDark = pmStart <= now || now < darkEnd
// use dark mode if dark mode is enabled and it is darktime
const isDarkMode = isDarkModeEnabled && isDark

Here is what it should look like altogether, without the comments:

import { css, StyleSheet } from 'ahrodite'
import { getStyles } from './getSyles'
const classes = StyleSheet.create(getStyles(props))
const { isDarkModeEnabled, darkEnd, darkStart, text } = props
const now = new Date().getHours()
const pmStart = darkStart < 12 ? darkStart + 12 : start
const isDark = pmStart <= now || now < darkEnd
const isDarkMode = isDarkModeEnabled && isDark
const modeClass = isDarkMode ? css(classes.dark) : css(classes.light)
return <h1 className={modeClass}>{text}</h1>

Save your work.

View the Results Locally

Go back to your browser, where you will see either dark or light styles depending on the current time:

Light or Dark

Preview Config Changes

To see what it will be like when store admins change the configuration of your block in Site Designer, let's change the configs going into your block. Open /local/index.js and find this:

const props = {
text: 'Custom prop value for local testing',

Replace the text with whatever you would like, and give it the rest of our defaultConfig properties from /src/configs.js:

text: 'Light or Dark',
isDarkModeEnabled: true,
darkStart: 8,
darkEnd: 6

Now, change the start/end so that your local preview will switch modes. For example, if the current time is 10 in the morning, change the end to 11 so that the block still thinks it should render in dark mode.

Open your browser and see the change:

"Light or Dark in Dark Mode"

View the Config in Site Designer

From your terminal, build and publish the block. When it prompts you to select a category, choose Misc.

npm run build
element publish -n "Proptypes Tutorial"

In your browser, go to Site Designer. Edit a theme, and use the Add Block button to add your block to the theme.

Add Block

Hover over the block to reveal the edit button.

Edit Block

Click the Edit button to see the form generated by the config schema we've been working with.

Block Config Form

Use the Preview button to test changes made to the Dark Mode Hours.

Changes made to the block config in Site Designer to the darkStart and darkEnd fields will not update the block in real time. This is because our isDarkMode logic is triggered one time when the block is rendered, but is not tied to a React lifecycle event such as componentDidUpdate. You may preview the theme to see the changes.