Element SDK Client

This document examines ways you can use window.ElementSdk.client to call the Volusion API.

Calling the SDK

In production block code, the most common place that you'll be using the SDK is in getDataProps.js

export const getDataProps = (utils, { productSlug }) => {
return utils.client.products.getBySlug(productSlug).catch(() => {})

See "Read Page URI Parameters In Blocks" for more background.

Tip: To explore the SDK locally from a block's local/index.js file, or from your browser's javascript console from a store running on Element, try this:


'ElementSdk.client' Methods and Properties

Table of Contents



This method returns a Promise that resolves with an array of the configured store's categories.




contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: '',
id: '123',
images: [],
name: 'Category 1',
productCount: 5,
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: '',
state: 'Active',
subCategories: [],
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: '',
id: '456',
images: [],
name: 'Category 2',
productCount: 3,
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: '',
state: 'Active',
subCategories: [],


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the category details including children and parent categories.




contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: '',
id: '345',
images: [],
name: 'Category 1',
productCount: 5,
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: '',
state: 'Active',
parentCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '123',
images: [],
name: 'parentcategory1',
parentId: '123',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: 'parentcategory1',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: 'parentcategory1'
subCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '678',
images: [],
subCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '91011',
images: [],
subCategories: [],
name: 'SubCategory 2',
parentId: '678',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: ''
name: 'subcategory1',
parentId: '345',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: 'subcategory1',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: 'subcategory1'


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the category details including children and parent categories.




contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: '',
id: '345',
images: [],
name: 'Category 1',
productCount: 5,
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: '',
state: 'Active',
parentCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '123',
images: [],
name: 'parentcategory1',
parentId: '123',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: 'parentcategory1',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: 'parentcategory1'
subCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '678',
images: [],
subCategories: [
state: 'Active',
id: '91011',
images: [],
subCategories: [],
name: 'SubCategory 2',
parentId: '678',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: '',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: ''
name: 'subcategory1',
parentId: '345',
productCount: 1,
contentPageId: '',
descriptions: {
short: '',
long: '',
extended: ''
seo: {
title: 'subcategory1',
metaDescription: '',
friendlyName: 'subcategory1'

Content Pages

Older stores have pages outside of Element. You can manage them from Volusion Admin Pages.


This method returns a Promise that resolves with the data for the given Content Page SEO Friendly Name (slug).




"content": "<p>HTML Page</p>",
"createdOn": "", // iso date string
"id": "",
"name": "Page Name",
"seo": {
"friendlyName": "page-name",
"metaDescription": "",
"modifier": 0,
"title": ""
"updatedOn": "" // iso date string


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an object with an items property that contains an array of the configured store's menus. Note: the Volusion Admin interface only supports a single menu at this time.




"items": [{
"createdOn": "", // iso date string
"id": "",
"items": [{
"id": "",
"items": [],
"name": "",
"slug": "",
"type": "" // types include 'category', 'product', 'page', 'elementPage', and 'link'
}, {
"id": "",
"items": [],
"name": "",
"url": "https://",
"type": "link"
"updatedOn": "" // iso date string

Note: the menu item will have a url if it is of type "link", otherwise it will have a slug.



This method returns a Promise that resolves with the data for the given Product ID.




"availability": {},
"categoryIds": [],
"id": "",
"images": [],
"listPrice": 1,
"name": "",
"price": 1,
"productVariants": [{
"id": "",
"images": [],
"isInventoryTracked": false,
"price": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"sku": "",
"variants": []
"relatedProductIds": [],
"seo_friendlyName": "",
"seo_metaDescription": "",
"seo_title": "",
"sku": "",
"variantOptions": []


This method returns a Promise that resolves with the data for the given Product SEO Friendly Name (slug).




"availability": {},
"categoryIds": [],
"id": "",
"images": [],
"listPrice": 1,
"name": "",
"price": 1,
"productVariants": [{
"id": "",
"images": [],
"isInventoryTracked": false,
"price": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"sku": "",
"variants": []
"relatedProductIds": [],
"seo_friendlyName": "",
"seo_metaDescription": "",
"seo_title": "",
"sku": "",
"variantOptions": []


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an array of related products for the given Product ID.




id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
productVariants: [
id: '',
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
salePrice: null,
seo_friendlyName: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
productVariants: [
id: '',
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
salePrice: null,
seo_friendlyName: '',


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an array of related products for the given Product SEO Friendly Name (slug).




id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
productVariants: [
id: '',
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
salePrice: null,
seo_friendlyName: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
productVariants: [
id: '',
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
salePrice: null,
seo_friendlyName: '',


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an array of related products for the given category ID.


utils.client.products.getByCategoryId({ categoryId: 'category123' })

Advanced Usage

categoryId: 'category123',
page: 1, // one based
pageSize: 20,
offset: 0, // alternative to page, uses pageSize, but not calculated based on it
sort: 'name a-z', // See Product Sort Options at the bottom of this document.

Note: page will be used if both page and offset are present.


availability: {
preOrder: {
enabled: false,
categoryIds: ['category123'],
description: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
price: 1,
productVariants: [
id: '',
images: [],
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
sku: '',
variants: [],
relatedProductIds: [],
seo_friendlyName: '',
seo_metaDescription: '',
seo_title: '',
sku: '',
variantOptions: [],
availability: {
preOrder: {
enabled: false,
categoryIds: ['category123'],
description: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
price: 1,
productVariants: [
id: '',
images: [],
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
sku: '',
variants: [],
relatedProductIds: [],
seo_friendlyName: '',
seo_metaDescription: '',
seo_title: '',
sku: '',
variantOptions: [],


This method returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing product items and pagination information.


utils.client.products.getByCategorySlug({ slug: 'category123' })

Advanced Usage

slug: 'category123',
page: 1, // one based
pageSize: 20, // default 20


currentPage: 1,
items: [
availability: {
preOrder: {
enabled: false,
categoryIds: ['category123'],
description: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
price: 1,
productVariants: [
id: '',
images: [],
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
sku: '',
variants: [],
relatedProductIds: [],
seo_friendlyName: '',
seo_metaDescription: '',
seo_title: '',
sku: '',
variantOptions: [],
availability: {
preOrder: {
enabled: false,
categoryIds: ['category123'],
description: '',
id: '',
images: [],
listPrice: 1,
name: '',
price: 1,
productVariants: [
id: '',
images: [],
isInventoryTracked: false,
price: 1,
quantity: 0,
sku: '',
variants: [],
relatedProductIds: [],
seo_friendlyName: '',
seo_metaDescription: '',
seo_title: '',
sku: '',
variantOptions: [],
totalItems: 2,
totalPages: 1

Note: If there're no products for a given category or there is no category by the given slug, an empty array will be returned for items.


This synchronous method returns an array with the given category and any subcategories it might have, if it has passed a category ID and the store's entire category tree (the response from categories.get()).


utils.client.products.getWithChildCategories('category123', categoryTree)


;['category123', 'category123-subcategory']


This asynchronous method returns a Promise that resolves with an array of products matching the given query, as well as pagination data


query: 'Test', // required
page: 1, // one-based, calculated based on pageSize
pageSize: 20,
offset: 0, // alternative to page, uses pageSize, but not calculated based on it
sort: 'newest', // see Product Sort Options at the bottom of this document

Note: page will be used if both page and offset are present.


currentPage: 1,
totalItems: 2,
totalPages: 1,
items: [
"availability": {
"preOrder": {
"enabled": false
"categoryIds": [""],
"description": "",
"id": "",
"images": [],
"listPrice": 1,
"name": "Test Product",
"price": 1,
"productVariants": [{
"id": "",
"images": [],
"isInventoryTracked": false,
"price": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"sku": "",
"variants": []
"relatedProductIds": [],
"seo_friendlyName": "",
"seo_metaDescription": "",
"seo_title": "",
"sku": "",
"variantOptions": []
}, {
"availability": {
"preOrder": {
"enabled": false
"categoryIds": [""],
"description": "",
"id": "",
"images": [],
"listPrice": 1,
"name": "Product Test",
"price": 1,
"productVariants": [{
"id": "",
"images": [],
"isInventoryTracked": false,
"price": 1,
"quantity": 0,
"sku": "",
"variants": []
"relatedProductIds": [],
"seo_friendlyName": "",
"seo_metaDescription": "",
"seo_title": "",
"sku": "",
"variantOptions": []


This asynchronous function behaves exactly like fetch, returning a promise that resolves with a response from a third-party API endpoint.

TIP: always use this when calling third-party services so that your block behaves consistently when rendered by the server or on the client side.


Standard Usage:
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(e => [])
With Custom Options:

For advanced configuration, the request util takes an optional second argument containing an options object. utils.client.request can accept any of the options accepted by node-fetch.

.request('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts', {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
.then(res => res.json())
.catch(e => [])

Store Information


This property has an object value containing details about the configured store.




"acceptsStripeAsPayment": false,
"launched": false,
"name": "Test Store",
"seo": {
"metaDescription": "",
"metaTitle": "",
"platformMetaTags": {
"google": ""
"socialNetworks": {
"instagram": ""
"storeUrl": "",
"tenant": "",
"thirdPartyIntegrations": {
"addThisEnabled": false
"applePay": {
"isEnabled": false
"paypal": {
"isEnabled": false,
"primaryEmailConfirmed": false
"logo": {
"imagePath": "",
"uriBase": ""

Tenant ID


This property has a string value containing the configured store's tenant ID.





Additional Notes

Product Sort Options

  • "lowest price"
  • "highest price"
  • "newest"
  • "name z-a"
  • "name a-z"